To: The Rittenhouse Review
From: Jennifer Nicholson Graham
Date: August 6, 2003
I just came across The Rittenhouse Review and saw a recent post -- “Fawning Over Coulter” -- in which you linked to my essay in the Philadelphia Daily News on Ann Coulter, “What Would Ann Coulter Eat?”
Thank you so much! Your site is wonderful -- both its design and content -- and I was flattered for the mention.
Warmest regards,
Jennifer Nicholson Graham
Philadelphia Daily News
Jim Capozzola of The Rittenhouse Review responds:
Thank you, Ms. Graham, for your kind remarks. They are much appreciated.
I’m grateful, as well, that your colleague, Beth Gillin of the Philadelphia Inquirer, who on the sane same day published a shockingly fawning profile of the aforementioned Coulter, “Coulter, Sweetly Disembowling the Left Wing,” is a good sport and sent to me similarly positive comments that I cannot, for reasons I someday hope will become clear, cannot be republished here at this time.